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What We Do

Working with Leaders

Leaders today face problems so complex that it can often feel like wading through molasses. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We work with leaders across New Zealand to tackle issues head-on. Through 121 coaching and a whole host of training workshops, we can create a bespoke plan to transform your leadership potential.

Executive Coaching

Inspirational and transformative leadership is not easy to master but can ignite your business.

Discover progressive strategies and ways of working that you can implement immediately. Transformative leadership can positively impact everyone.

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Leading Change

Change is inevitable but unsettling, so having effective strategies to avoid pitfalls and build trust is paramount.

Discover how to take your people with you, overcome unexpected resistance and build a new ongoing vision that your team can really get behind.

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Defusing Angry People

We can’t control how people will interact with us, but learning how to defuse a conflict situation the right way is key.

De-escalate conflict, recognise rising anger, build resilience and learn the best ways to manage your responses to colleagues/customers.

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Navigating Tough Conversations

Even the toughest conversations can have the best outcomes if you are well prepared and discerning in your execution.

Learn how to have ‘courageous conversations’ and recognise the most appropriate ways to give and receive effective positive and negative feedback.

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Cross-Cultural Communication

Cross-cultural competence is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘must have’ to make the most of New Zealand’s diverse population.

Learn how behaviour can be influenced by culture and how we can improve our communication with people from different cultural backgrounds.

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Preventing & Managing Bullying & Harassment

Many leaders and managers struggle to identify toxic problems within their team. Learn how to spot bullying and harassment and how to respond to a complaint.

Nearly all of us will be exposed to workplace bullying directly or indirectly. Understand the law and learn how to identify, prevent and respond to bullying and harassment in your workplace.

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Working with Teams

“It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”
– Patrick Lencioni

Teams are the powerhouses of organisations. When teams hum, they propel an organisation to success. However, effective teamworking is rare. Dysfunction, infighting and toxicity can ripple through most workplaces, leaving teams in need of repair. We believe that great teams don’t happen by chance but by design. Talk to us so that we can create a bespoke programme for your team.

Team Coaching

Great teamwork is powerful yet so hard to achieve. Let us coach your team to diagnose issues, unlock potential and get results.

Successful team coaching is a journey, not an event. Over an agreed timeframe, we will co-create new ideas and behaviours that will generate lasting change.

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Transforming Performance

Using the ‘5 Dysfunctions of a Team’ model, we will lead your colleagues through a transformative process of change.

Learn about the 5 factors that can make or break a team and leverage your team’s own unique strengths. Together, achieve standout results that you can all be proud of.

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Team Culture Building using the ‘Emotional Culture Deck’ tool

Increase empathy, connection and trust between team members using the #1 game in the world for better workplace cultures.

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Flip the conversations leaders and teams can have around culture, performance and wellbeing using the Emotional Culture Deck card game. Humanise the workplace with this powerful tool, which gives people the words they need to shift work cultures.

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Team ReSetTM

High performing teams require time to ReSetTM their values and develop the foundations they need to succeed.

We believe the best ideas and solutions come from within teams. We can help your team: 1) discover what is getting in the way of effective teamwork, and 2) design a team ReSetTM solution that works.

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Navigating Change

Organisational change is inevitable and teams follow people they trust. Learn how to become a trusted ‘change agent’ and help your colleagues navigate transitions.

Effective ‘change agents’ are trusted, positive role models with the unique skills required to help others successfully transition through change. Learn key skillsets to recognise personal reactions to change and how to respond with effective communication.

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Building Change Resilience

People don’t resist change, they resist the transition. Learn how to support your people through periods of change.

Everyone has a different emotional response to change. Learn how to recognise individual responses, avoid fallout and support your team into the ‘new’.

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Dealing with Bullying & Harassment

Nearly all of us will be exposed to workplace bullying directly or indirectly. Learn how to identify problems and act appropriately.

Understand the law, what bullying is (and isn’t) and what constitutes harassment. Gain individual and collective commitment to a ‘zero tolerance’ workplace.

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Navigating Tough Conversations

Even the toughest conversations can have the best outcomes if you are well prepared and discerning in your execution.

Learn how to have ‘courageous conversations’ and recognise the most appropriate ways to give and receive positive and negative feedback.

Book a free consultation call

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is incredibly difficult to navigate. Expert team facilitation is a proven way to resolve conflict before it escalates.

Bring structure and process to conflict resolution through an expertly managed facilitation process. Co-create a blueprint to bring people together.

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‘WorkSmart’ Time Management

Identify ‘time robbers and wasters’ and uncover the enviable secret of working smarter – not harder.

Understand what successful time managers do differently and learn the tools to live and work more productively.

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Defusing Angry People

We can’t control how people will interact with us, but learning how to defuse a conflict situation the right way is key.

De-escalate conflict, recognise rising anger, build resilience and learn the best ways to respond to colleagues and customers.

Book a free consultation call

Cross-Cultural Communication

Cross-cultural competence is no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘must have’ to make the most of New Zealand’s diverse population.

Learn how behaviour can be influenced by culture and how we can improve our communication with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Book a free consultation call

Working with Individuals

Developing people and seeing them shine has always been our mantra. We love working with individuals to help them become the best they can be. So don’t go it alone – book a chemistry call to see if we’re a great fit.

121 Coaching

Creating positive change – both personally and professionally.

An effective way to unlock potential, build resilience and help people become the best they can be.

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Assisting and guiding individuals to overcome challenges.

A supportive way to challenge beliefs, overcome barriers, develop resilience and build confidence.

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Professional Supervision

Promoting professional competence and practitioner wellbeing.

Formal or informal supervision by a qualified expert to support your ongoing development and wellbeing.

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Who we work with...

We work with medium and large organisations across all private, public and not-for-profit sectors in New Zealand – both in-person and online:

“Work Shouldn’t Hurt” – but recent studies reveal a staggering 90% of people experience workplace bullying across NZ

Don’t let your organisation fall victim to costly liabilities and employee unrest.

Download our free eBook to learn the three pivotal strategies you need to address workplace bullying.

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Master Elephant Rider Consultant

Based in Nelson, covering New Zealand wide.

Phone: 03 545 0055 or 021 1371 589

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