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Meetings: The Four I’s of Clarity

Think back.  How often have you left a meeting, and a while later can’t fully recall what was discussed and agreed on?  Even when the notes come out they differ from what you thought had been discussed and agreed. Or after a 1:1 when you circle back, and follow up with the person, they have a different picture around what was agreed on.

Most often in meetings, we spend the last few minutes blasting through the remaining agenda, the clock ticking.  Boom, another meeting done.

We haven’t built in core learning time.

What do I mean by core learning?  Organisational learning should be part of organisational DNA.  Instead of an add-on when we remember.  It should be central to how the organisation, its teams, and people operate.  By building it into everyday, business as usual, working the organisation and its people become even better, more effective at solving the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Every single day.

In a recent talk I shared the 4 I’s that I use to recap what’s been discussed, cement learnings and agreements.  Four simple questions.  I don’t remember where I first picked them up but they’re simple and easy to use.  People seemed to like them, so I’m sharing them wider.

4 I’s of Clarity

Issues – what did we discuss today?

Insights – what do we now see differently?

Ideas – what new thinking and ideas did we generate together?

Intentions – what are we going to do as a result?

Here’s how it works

  • Ringfence the last 10 minutes of every meeting to circle back to these questions.
  • Rotate this role around the team, it helps develop shared leadership.
  • Give people one minute to think about the questions and their responses.
  • Where you’re getting mixed feedback check in around what’s unclear or left hanging for people

Then wrap up by agreeing on what decisions/commitments are shared outside of the room, and what stays in the room.

I’m going to be posting more tips around ways to develop your teams and people to be leading the game.  Watch out for  The Darwinian Law of Organisational Learning and Three Horizons Thinking posts.

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photo: samuel elias nadler for unsplash

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